Private tutors

Schools are considered not enough for all-round development and gaining knowledge; lessons from qualified tutors are additionally demanded.

What is it

How to choose a private tutor in Dubai

Where to find private tutors in Dubai? Finding a qualified, competent teacher in the United Arab Emirates is rather difficult on your own, so entrust this to the Luxury World Key concierge service. Agency specialists will quickly select teachers in various subjects, organize lessons, check qualifications, consult on education and suggest institutions in the UAE for obtaining a quality, decent education.

LWK Concierge employees are able to attract educational specialists who enjoy authority and respect in the UAE. The staff is selected based on the stated requirements of the client regarding discipline, work experience, professionalism, education.

  • Appearance - grooming, neatness, restraint in clothes.
  • Education - higher profile, scientific degree.
  • Work experience - at least one year.
  • Communication skills, knowledge of psychology.


Private teacher from Luxury World Key

Luxury World Key guarantees the selection of highly qualified teachers and candidates of sciences who will find an individual approach to the child, accept special features and build trusting, open relationships for a comfortable educational process.

The company provides concierge services to VIP clients around the clock. When drawing up a contract for the provision of services, a personal assistant is “attached” to the client, providing assistance in domestic matters and business affairs. Companies can quickly find a manager, a nanny, arrange a child in an elite educational institution or organize a luxurious vacation.

  • Fast communication with the client.
  • High level service.
  • The speed of work.
  • The absence of impossible tasks and requests, regardless of the price (within the framework of the current legislation of the UAE).
  • Round the clock communication 24/7.

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